Strona główna » j.angielski » Lesson nr 2


Lesson nr 2



Today is ”Wet Monday”, 2-nd day of Easter, celebrate in Poland but not all ove the world – it’s patr of our Polish tradition.

And again, nature came to help us…we must stay home  /coronavirus is responsible for it / unable to pour water on each other, but the morning /very early/ rain wet everything! Ha,ha,ha….

This year Easter was extraordinary due to the coronavirus pandemic. I hope, despite everything, you celebrated Easter in your homes without giving up easter decorations, traditional wishes, talking with family members living in other cities, ect.

The Internet has become so helpful during this Easter in maintaining contacts  with love once. Most of our friends from UTW know how to use a laptop or how to make video conferences (remember, we had computer lessons in the past). I know, the situation caused by pandemic is unpleasant, for some it’s overwhelming, it forces us to reflact on the fragile life of a human being, but…. I would like you to understand Easter: it brings a new life, the hope of new beginnings, love and happines, brings faith in better future!

The birds are chirping, the bunnies are out on he green grass, flowers  are blooming, the sky is blue!There’s so much happiness in the air, you just have to see it!

Unique life situations ”give birth” to unique ideas… If you have one, please share with us.

There are many people, animals in need. Think what you can do to help them! By helping others, you are helping yourself, trust me!!!



Please write to me on FB  did you find new, unknown words or pfrases in this text.

What was it?

Was this text to easy, nice, not interesting, ect…



w trakcie nauki języków obcych mamy skłonności do ”tłumaczenia w prost”. Pamiętajmy, że każdy język z innej grupy językowej niż j. polski, ma inną gramatykę! Trzeba o tym pamiętać….

Przykład:  I love eggs! Do you like them?

– Yes, I like (powiedzielibyśmy po polsku)

– Yes, I like them. (powiemy poprawnie po angielsku)


Znaczenie czasowników i poprawne ich użycie …czasem nie jest to tak oczywiste jak w języku polskim

czasownik support and help niby znaczą to samo, ale używa się ich w odmiennych sytuacjach, przykład:

I don’t know how to clean my windows. Help needed.(a nie: support needed)

support – the condition of giving a strenght in something, keeping from losing courage, keeping from fainting, giving love, money, showing acceptance…

Kiedy najczęściej używać:

I support your decision.  (Popieram twoją decyzję)


Please, give me your moral support! ( proszę wesprzyj mnie swoją mądrością)


We no longer support the war. ( Nie popieramy już ataków wojennych)


He needs our financial support. ( On potrzebuje naszego wsparcia finansowego).


In support of the hospitals, I’m sending some money. (Aby wyrazić wsparcie dla szpitali, przekazuję te środki pieniężne).)


We need your support not criticism. (Potrzebujemy twojego wsparcia, nie krytyki)




czasownik help ( to be of use, aid, assistance) kiedynajczęściej  używać:


Help me please!


Try to help others in this sad situation.


You could use some help with this project.


We were shouting for help during this fire !


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